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Welcome Darlings.

Allow me to introduce myself for the first time to some. And to present myself again, to others.


"I’m the survivor diva with a cane in my hand. Striving, thriving, and surviving. Building my brand. Doing as much as I can. The best that I can. For as long as I can. To save and improve as many lives as I can.

By the grace of God.

Pushin' through chronic pain with style and grace, faith, and a smile on my face.

I’m the survivor diva, darling. And my name is Angela Reese Abduh." 

I am a cervical cancer survivor who was diagnosed in 2009 as a result of a routine checkup and Pap test. Aside from being wheelchair bound for years, and sustaining substantial nerve damage from internal and external radiation treatments, I also suffer from what’s called "chemo brain" which is a cognitive deficit that affects my memory recall skills and challenges me especially in new and changing situations. But, I am still holding on and determined to help save others from going through the same health challenges as I.  I have been saved to advocate, encourage, and inform about cervical cancer while raising society's standards of disabilities inclusion.

Are you or one of your loved ones one of the 79 million Americans mostly in their late teens and early twenties who are already infected with HPV(Human papillomavirus?

Are you or someone you care about one of the estimated 13,240 new cases of invasive cervical cancer that will be diagnosed in 2018 according to the American Cancer Society? Who are the estimated 4,170 women reportedly who will die from cervical cancer even with screenings and treatment?

Overall, every year approximately 19,409 women and 12,100 men are affected by cancers caused by HPV(Human papillomavirus). These figures only look at the number of people who sought treatment. These numbers could be an understatement of the actual number of people affected. 

Be aware : Although men cannot get cervical cancer, they do spread the HPV virus that causes most cervical cancers in women and other HPV related cancers  in men such as anal, penile, throat, oropharyngeal, and esophageal cancers.

There  may be no symptoms at all for

cervical cancer. 

In some there may be irregular bleeding and/or pelvic pain.

7 Cervical Cancer Symptoms You Should Absolutely Never Ignore


Cervical cancer tends to occur in midlife and is most frequently diagnosed in women between the ages of 35 and 44. It rarely develops in women younger than 20. Many older women do not realize that the risk of developing cervical cancer is still present as they age. More than 15% of cases of cervical cancer are found in women over 65 . However, these cancers rarely occur in women who have been getting regular tests to screen for cervical cancer before they were 65. See Can cervical cancer be prevented? and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Early Detection for more information about tests used to screen for cervical cancer.

In the United States, Hispanic women are most likely to get cervical cancer, followed by African-Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and whites. American Indians and Alaskan natives have the lowest risk of cervical cancer in this country.

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Death rates are highest in the marginalized African American, Latino, and Hispanic communities where there is a disparity gap due to direct engagement, and personalized, culturally specific awareness and prevention focus being limited at best. The Survivor Diva, Angela, asks the question: "If most of the representatives in the advertisements and Public Service Announcements do not look like people of color, how will people of color know they are the ones being most affected?" So spread the word:





cervix uterus formed with flowers camila

Camila Carlow

Cervix, Uterus, Fallopian Tubes & Ovaries, made with flowers

uterus painting her majesty by megan seg

Megan Segal

Her Majesty

Preventative Measures

  1. Routine screenings are recommended at age 21-65

  2. Be in a mutually monogamous relationship (If your spouse or partner is cheating and having oral sex or intercourse, vaginal or anal; it puts you at risk even though you are monogamous) 

  3. Boys and girls age 11-12 should get vaccinated

  4. Catch up vaccinations are recommended for boys and men through age 21 and for girls and women through age 26 if they did not get vaccinated when younger.




Cervical cancer may be driven by imbalance in vaginal bacteria, research finds-June 4,2018


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